Saturday, February 11, 2012

AMD, jQuery and the Zazl Optimizer

Having got my Dynamic Optimizer running with Dojo 1.7 I decided to take a look at how jQuery works in the AMD world. With the release of JQuery 1.7 it became possible to load and reference the core jQuery code as an AMD module.  Also, after looking at the jQuery mobile library (note this is currently only available in the 1.1 version that has not yet been released) I found that it too was AMD enabled. So it seemed like the perfect time to get familiar with the jQuery world. I decided I would write a jQuery mobile based frontend to my Music Server application. It already uses the Zazl Optimizer to load a Dojo 1.7 based desktop and mobile frontend.

The first step was to obtain jQuery 1.7.1 and jQuery mobile 1.1.  jQuery 1.7.1 can be downloaded from here and jQuery mobile 1.1 can be obtained by build it from it github repostitory. I should note in both cases the uncompressed versions are used as the compression is handled by the Zazl Optimizer itself.

Once downloaded I placed jQuery 1.7.1 in a directory path of "lib/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.js" and jQuery mobile 1.1 in a directory path of "lib/jquery-mobile/" within my Web Application. I also had to obtain the required CSS file for jquery mobile(also the images it references). This I placed in a directory path of "css/jquery-mobile/" and referenced it in the HTML

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-mobile/" />

The HTML front-end code then could simply reference the modules via a call to the Zazl Optimizer's entry point, "zazl". The actual script tag that loads the jQuery code is inserted by an HTML Filter as described here.

    <script type="text/javascript">
            paths : {
                jquery: "lib/jquery/jquery-1.7.1",
                jquerymobile: "lib/jquery-mobile/"
        ["jquery", "jquerymobile", "app/jqmobile"],
        function($) {

Above you can see the main AMD module that handles the application logic called "app/jqmobile". Within that the jQuery core is referenced as follows :

define(['jquery'], function ($) {

    $(document).ready(function() {


That's about all there is to it. jQuery is used just as it is normally.

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